My Young Son

marta Trevino Castilleja

My Young Son

So placidly we were traveling hand in hand

We didn’t notice strangers invading our terrain

The sun was shining, our road was clear

We didn’t feel the storm that was so near.

The road seemed wide and safe to trod

Then he looked at me and said good-bye.

We had shared many a laughter and hugs of love

We even went fishing and saw the stars,

We talked of lizards and creepy stuff

I was his partner in peace and wars

I was his comfort and kept him warm

I kept him safe and away from worldly harm.

The thunder roaring, the lightning struck.

He was hit by nature’s lightning bolts.

He stood his distance and turned my way,

I was his enemy and there was no fair play.

He struck his sword and pierced my heart.

There was no mercy right from the start.

The beast was loose and kept on striking

The strength it had could move a Viking.

It was fighting me and his wounded soul

As I fended for his life and his control.

His eyes looked mad, but love was there.

I could feel the magic in his fleeting stare.

I threw the rope of hope, love and faith,

I took a look at life and saw His face.

I prayed to Him to give me strength

I held him tight to some great length.

He touched my hand and he was still.

He was afraid of demons whose soul’s they steal.

This young boy has a long way to go

Stand by him as he begins to grow.

Talk to him, show him the way

Hold his hand, don’t let him stray

When you feel life’s thunderstorm coming his way.

Ver métrica de este poema
  • Autor: Martha Trevino Castilleja (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 22 de junio de 2022 a las 14:53
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: La juventud es una etapa en la vida. Creo que como padres no debemos abandonar al hijo/a que se desvía por un camino que le dará daños al desarrollarse en una persona madura. Tenemos que estar con ellos en las buenas y malas. Este poema lo escribí cuando uno de mis hijos tomó los consejos de malas compañía. Fue difícil esa etapa en su vida y en la mía pero gracias a mis plegarias y persistencia de no abandonarlo, volvió a un buen y exitoso camino.
  • Categoría: Familia
  • Lecturas: 15
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