
Take this hand from me,
show me to your world
bring this dance to life,
your love can paralyse my fears of falling.
Carry my heart slow
I swear, where you go
I'll follow you see into my soul
and i'll take you home
to love you, love you, love you
I'll follow you...
This is the place that seems to be better than where you have been...
so you run towards the new day rising in the distance,
and you walk away from the day that found you falling.
You always seem to hear god when it counts even when it comes
from the millions of voices that call to you
You make me want to listen from him a little bit harder too
You are a rose that blooms for a second chance on the off seasons
A wave that breaks on a shore left for decades deserted
You always seem to wake up from the dreams that drown you
Wide-eyed from the nightmare's that threaten to pull you back in
You climb the mountains from the peaks to the valleys
And write the songs that teaches broken hearts how to sing
And how to live, and be, a little bit more amazing.
You make me feel like you waited for us to exist,
for we are a translation of a neglected perfection that just... is so.
Take this hand from me,
show me to your world
bring this dance to life,
your love can paralyse my fears of falling.
Carry my heart slow,
I swear, where you go
I'll follow you see into my soul
and i'll take you home,
to love you, love you, love you
I'll follow you...
Para ti mujer extraordinaria,
mi musa hoy y una plegaria,
a tu hermoso sentimiento
que seguiré desde mi alma,
eres pasión feliz que canta
al amor en este lugar lejano,
del insensible mundo pagano
pero te escuchan millones,
porque alcanzaste la gloria,
de los grandes humanos
te admiro, siento tu canto,
llegas a mi profundo ser,
me enseñas a escuchar a Dios
y toda tu eres poema de amor.

My love is to you,
start in a new way,
we can together survive,
sing my song is a prayer to you,
stay with me in the night,
and you can see the stars in the sky,
you can touch my feelings,
and you know, you can show me this moment,
it's a song with very much love,
that I sang to you,
you never let me alone,
if you always your heart is here,
like a sparkle of stone that shine in the midnight,
my love is to you,
when you can see my eyes enchanting to you...

Ver métrica de este poema
  • Autores: Raquelinamor (Seudónimo), EMYZAG
  • Se ve: Todos los versos
  • Finalizado: 17 de marzo de 2016 a las 01:00
  • Límite: 15 días
  • Invitados: Libre (cualquier usuario puede participar)
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Un verso de amor, para esta Iyeoka Ivie Okoawa, exponente de un nuevo estilo con raíces en el jazz y el blues, quien haciendo gala de magistral interpretación enaltece a la mujer con sus letras, en sus composiciones y actuaciones. Esta extraordinaria Estadounidense de origen Nigeriano, es una cantante, poeta, activista y educadora, digna de admiración.
  • Categoría: Amor
  • Lecturas: 242
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Raquelinamor
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