AnĂ¡lisis de "\"Saved\" " de Cortez

/////////////////// a/ nigh/tma/re/ to e/xist,/
= 26 sílabas (25 + 1)

The//s/ no/ lo/ve/ nor/ will./
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

/ just/ you and/ your/ thoug,/ /
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

Grief/s/ and/ old/ hurt/s.../
= 6 sílabas

// a/ nigh/tma/re/ to/ be,/ /
= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)

The//s/ just/ ha/te and/ for/sa/ke,/
= 9 sílabas

From/ the/ pe/o/ple/ you/ lo/ved,/ /
= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)

Whom/ be/ca/me/ your/ re/grets./
= 7 sílabas

I was/ u/sed/ to/ re/pe/at,/ /
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

// a/ dre/am,/ // not/ re/al.../
= 11 sílabas (10 + 1)

So/on,/ I will/ wa/ke up,/ /
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

So/on,/ I will/ li/ve./ /
= 6 sílabas

On/ the/ worl/d/ I ha/ve/ dre/a/med/ of,/ /
= 12 sílabas (11 + 1)

Du/ring/ a//l/ this/ ye/ars./
= 8 sílabas

/s/ a/ be/au/ti/ful/ pla/ce,/ /
= 10 sílabas

Whe/re/ /m/ happ/y... And/ sa/fe./
= 8 sílabas

But/ the/ ti/me/ went/ ,/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

And/ it/ felt/ li/ke/ the/ sa/me,/
= 8 sílabas

It/ was/ a ho/rri/ble e/xis/ten/ce,/
= 8 sílabas

Which u/sed/ to/ kill/ me e/very/ day./
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

But/ now/ it/ has/ chan/ged,/
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

For/ a/ frien/d/ is/ with/ me,/ /
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

Hol/ding/ / he/art,/
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)

And/ hol/ding/ / will./
= 6 sílabas (5 + 1)

'cau/se a/ nigh/t/ I was/ suf/fe/ring,/ /
= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)

And/ I saw/ a/ dan/cing/ star,/ /
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

Far/ a/way/ on/ the/ ,/ /
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

It/ was/ jum/ping/ a/roun/d./
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

I //t/ know/ / it/ did/ it,/ /
= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)

But/ it/ cras/hed/ righ/t/ on/ me,/ /
= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)

On/ a/ whis/per/ I he/ard,/ /
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

/l/ help/ you/ to/ li/ve.../
= 7 sílabas

//s/ the/ sun/ of/ / mor/ning,/ /
= 11 sílabas (10 + 1)

And/ the/ mo/on/ of/ / nigh./ /
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

She en/ligh/ / who/le/ li/fe,/ /
= 8 sílabas

With her/ soul/ and/ her/ smi/le./
= 6 sílabas

I will/ ne/ver/ su/rren/der,/ /
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

No, I will/ ne/ver/ go/ back,/ /
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

To/ / so/rrows/ nor/ lo/ne/li/ness,/
= 9 sílabas

Nor/ / ha/te/ne/es/ nor/ fe/ars./
= 9 sílabas

So,/ // al/ways/ be/ thank/ful,/ /
= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)

To/ God/ and/ his/ An/gel.../
= 7 sílabas (6 + 1)

For/ / li/fe/ was/ sa/ved,/ /
= 9 sílabas (8 + 1)

And/ the/ nigh/tma//s/ no/ mo/re./
= 9 sílabas

I just/ ho/pe/ you un/ders/tand,/ /
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

And/ re/mem/ber/ / word/s,/ /
= 8 sílabas

The//s/ a/ star/ out/ the/re,/ /
= 9 sílabas

Wai/ting/ for/ you/ to/ cat// on./ /
= 10 sílabas (9 + 1)

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