AnĂ¡lisis de "Lost towers" de bjpafa

This/ is/ the/ day/ whe/re I was/ ca/lled/ /dent/ and/ i/rri/ta/ting,/
= 16 sílabas (15 + 1)

wri/ting/s/ un/be/a/ra/ble/ for/ so/me in/ res/pect/ to its/ con/tent./
= 17 sílabas (16 + 1)

Well/ o/ne/ may/ say/ bet/ter/ /i/dent/ than/ ot/her/ he/a/vier/ fault/s./
= 18 sílabas

Wri/ting/ is/ an/ ex/ten/sion/ of/ hu/man/kind/ /ugh/ the/ pen/ pre/sent./
= 18 sílabas (17 + 1)

No/body/ is/ ow/ner/ to/ pa/ges,/ cri/tics,/ po/ems/ or/ no/vels,/ you/ know,/
= 18 sílabas (17 + 1)

And/ // / the/ righ, if/ /ron/ger/ or/ ligh/ter,/ al/ways/ ex/pi/re/
= 17 sílabas

Re/tur/ning/ to Hu/man/kind/ to/ pro/duct/ of/ o/ne of/ a/ kind,/ such as/ me/
= 17 sílabas (16 + 1)

Or/ you, ow/ner/ of/ truth or/ ex/pres/ser/ of/ o/pi/nion/s/ a/bout/ e/ter/nity./
= 19 sílabas (18 + 1)

Tin/ker/ sell/s/ in/ e/a//h/ stop,/ and/ I he/ar/ that/ / last/ ver/se is/ be/au/ti/ful,/
= 23 sílabas (22 + 1)

Poin/ting/ to/ the or/di/nary/ or/ des/pi/ca/ble,/ lo/ath/so/me/ qua/lity/ of/ the/ rest./
= 21 sílabas (20 + 1)

Con/si/de/ring/ this/ as/ a/ let/ter,/ an/ ar/ti/cu/la/te/ that/ shoul/d/ ne/ver/ ha/ve/ be/en,/
= 24 sílabas

The in/ner/ fe/lling/ shout/s/ you/ ne/ver/ had/ writ/ten/ such ans/wer/ to un/cle/an/
= 17 sílabas

Pro/vo/ca/tion/s,/ but/ the arm/ is/ we/ak/ and/ the/ man/ has/ not/hing/ to/o/ faith/ful/ /
= 22 sílabas (21 + 1)

To/ send/ li/ke/ spo/res/ in/ the/ worl/d,/ being/ fat/her/ of/ si/bling/s/ fo/re/ver/ a/way,/
= 23 sílabas (22 + 1)

You/ taugh/t/ me/ to/ wri/te/ ligh/t,/ but/ I weigh/t/ 270/ /s,./ cra/pu/lous/ as/ a/ fact,/
= 22 sílabas (21 + 1)

So/ such a/ lar/ge/ pre/sen/ce in/di/ca/tes/ Glut/tony,/ sloth,/ which/ led/ to/ wrath./
= 18 sílabas (17 + 1)

And/ oh/ so/ shin/ning/ li/// pe/o/ple/ can/ ri/se high/ /
= 16 sílabas (15 + 1)

I woul/d/ ne/ver/ know,/ e/go/tis/tic/ and/ stub/born./
= 12 sílabas

Is/ this/ the/ fa/ce/ that/ launc/hed/ o/ne/ thou/sand/ ships?/
= 14 sílabas (13 + 1)

Not/ me/ nor/ you,/ no o/ne has/ e/ver/ e/vo/ca/te/ such/ fe/e/ling/s/
= 17 sílabas

Con/si/de/ring/ a/ re/pre/sen/ta/tion/ of/ a/ /thi/cal/ fi/gu/re./
= 18 sílabas

So/ //s/ burn/ the/ to/pless/ to/wers/ of/ lan/gua/ge/
= 14 sílabas

In/ an/ ant/hem/ to/ the/ buil/ders/ of/ a/ new/ worl/d,/ /
= 15 sílabas (14 + 1)

A/ pla/ce up/ the/re or/ de/ep/ down,/ a/mid/ gods/ /
= 13 sílabas (12 + 1)

Hu/man/ /s/ and/ /s/ ho/mi/ni//a/e, he/a/vier/ than/ hu/ma/nity/
= 20 sílabas (19 + 1)

Be/cau/se/ we a/re/ // dwarf/s/ wal/king/ on/ the/ shoul/ders/ of/ gian,/
= 18 sílabas (17 + 1)

I em/bra/ce/ the/ birt/h of/ us/ a//l/ a/mong/ the/ de/eds/ of/ the/ /mpian/s,/ /
= 21 sílabas

As/ o/ne of/ most/ res/pect/ful/ re/li/gion/s/ for/ged/ down/ Ha/des/ or/ not,/
= 19 sílabas (18 + 1)

But/ wi/se in/ bet/we/en/ de/ath,/ birt/h and/ tre/a/chery,/ may/ many/ re/fu/se it,/
= 19 sílabas (18 + 1)

So/cial/ and/ per/so/nal/ in/te/rac/tion/s/ born/ from/ ne/ed/ and/ grow/ for/ gre/ed./
= 21 sílabas (20 + 1)

Oh/ /y e/yes/ so/ gray,/ co/lor/ for/got/ten,/ lo/ve/ so in/ten/se/ cen/ters/ un/der/ne/ath./
= 23 sílabas (22 + 1)

Dia/ne oh/ god/dess/ bows/hot,/ hit/ me in/ a/ chest,/ and/ go/es/ from/ E/ros/ to a/ga/pe./
= 19 sílabas

They/ knew/ and/ they/ did/ go/od/ thing/s/ wit/hout/ The/o/logy,/ Lut/her/ or/ Cal/vin./
= 19 sílabas

Not/ an/ e/legy/ of/ Gre//Ro/man/ pant/he/on,/ // short/ fu/sed/ brain/storm/ /
= 21 sílabas (20 + 1)

Say/ oh/ yes,/ I ha/ve/ be/en/ bet/ter/ up/ with i/de/as,/ less/ so/li/tu/de, and/ lo/ve/
= 20 sílabas

So/me/ti/mes/ dif/fi/cult/ to/ de/tach/ the/ wo/men/ and/ the/ kin/ you/ lo/ve,/ but/ chan/ge./
= 22 sílabas

In/di/go/ blues/ of/ dust/ / in/ / fa/ce on/ a/ brid/ge o/ver/ a/ ri/ver,/ de/form./
= 21 sílabas (20 + 1)

Pray,/ you ag/nos/ti/cal/ at/heist,/ you/ that/ ne/ver/ shi/ned/ on/ your/ crazy/ dia/mond./
= 19 sílabas (18 + 1)

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