AnĂ¡lisis de "tootling cane" de bjpafa

E/vo/king/ a/ fe/e/ling/ of/ in/com/ple/te/ness/ and/ lo/ne/li/ness,/ crest/fa/llen,/
= 21 sílabas

He/ walk/s/ with a/ to/o/tling/ ca/ne/ the/ path en/ding/ out/si/de a/ bla/de./
= 17 sílabas

Fa/llen/ un/der/ a/ spell,/ wo/e/be/go/ne, a//l/ his/ jour/ney/ he/ knew/ in/so/len/ce,/
= 22 sílabas

Not/ the o/ne he had/ but/ sadl/y/ what/ at/ti/tu/de/ pe/o/ple as/sign/ to him./
= 17 sílabas (16 + 1)

So he/ foug,/ a/ jab/ at/ kni//s/ poin/t,/ ye/ars/ co/llec/ting/ any/ ex/ce/llen/ce/
= 20 sílabas

E/ven/tua// true, his/ me/mo/ries/ shat/te/red/ and/ go/ne as/ a/ fa/llen/ Se/rap/him./
= 21 sílabas (20 + 1)

Fe/mi/ni/ne/ po/wer/ that/ ru/les/ o/ver/ the/ land/ o/pen/ vei/led/ hos/ti/li/ties,/
= 21 sílabas

Sho/wing/ him/ trick/s/ and/ ta/les/ and/ the/ thin/ red/ li/ne, it/ se/e/med/ fi/ne./
= 19 sílabas

Ac/cep/ting/ his/ dark/ nes/cien/ce,/ flo/wers,/ frac/tals,/ / fai/ries/ con/fi/ned/
= 19 sílabas (18 + 1)

As/su/ming/ his/ e/ter/nal/ dun/ge/on,/ roug/h/ sket/ of/ kin,/ he is/ out/shi/ned/
= 20 sílabas (19 + 1)

/ the ex/tent/ of/ know/led/ge,/ the/ growt/h of/ bre/ed,/ the/ si/ze of/ gre/ed./
= 18 sílabas (17 + 1)

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