AnĂ¡lisis de "sadder" de bjpafa

His/tory/ of/ li/te/ra/tu/re is/ de/ath/
= 11 sílabas (10 + 1)

un/less/ is/ taugh/t/ / a/ li/ving/ soul,/ /
= 12 sílabas (11 + 1)

tho/se un/re/la/ted/ to/ li/fe or/di/nary,/ ca/pa/ble of/ trans/gress/
= 15 sílabas

Tur/ned/ in/to/ pu/pils/ tal/king/ of/ thing/s/
= 11 sílabas

Oc/cu/rred/ yes/ter/day,/ at/ the/ cof/fe/e/ bra/ke/
= 13 sílabas

Al/ter/na/ti/vely,/ when/ o/ne/ was/ in/ co/cai/ne/ 12/ days/ a/wa/ke./
= 18 sílabas

Of/ cour/se/ not/ a//l/ the/ li/te/ra/tu/re/ te/a/chers/
= 16 sílabas

A/re a/li/ke or/ a/long/ the i/ma/ge/ su/pra/ de/fi/ned/
= 15 sílabas (14 + 1)

as/ we/ spe/ak/ of/ po/ets/ and/ pe/o/ple of/ li/te/racy,/ /
= 16 sílabas (15 + 1)

Let/ us/ think/ of/ Wi/lliam/ Bla/ke and/ wi/// the/o/soph/y,/
= 16 sílabas (15 + 1)

A//l/ re/li/gion/s/ a/re O/NE,/
= 10 sílabas

The/ voi/ce of/ o/ne/ /ying/ in/ the/ wil/der/ness./
= 12 sílabas

I can/ i/ma/gi/ne his/ wi/fe and/ him/self/ en/gra/ving/ tho/se/ mag/ni/fi/cent/ /
= 20 sílabas (19 + 1)

i/ma/ges/ and/ lin/king/ them/ to/ the/ po/or/ po/e///y of/ the/ prin/ci/ples,/
= 20 sílabas

Ab/so/lu/tely/ a/ voi/ce of/ en/tan/gle/ment/
= 12 sílabas (11 + 1)

A/gains/t/ Fran/cis/ Ba/con/ New/ton/ and/ Jo// Loc/ke/
= 14 sílabas

It/ is/ cle/ar/ the in/fluen/ce of/ that/ Tri/nity/ in/ the/ po/e/tic/ ge/nius/ prin/ci/ples,/ au/ con/trai/re, a/ ne/ga/ti/ve en/roll/ment./
= 31 sílabas (30 + 1)

Put/ting/ on/ Hell/ the/ groun/d/ sto/nes/ of/ his/ prin/ci/ples./
= 14 sílabas

As/ is/ as/ will/ be and/ ha/ve/ be/en/ many/ ti/mes/ o/ver/ his/tory/ of/ know/led/ge, e/pis/te/mo/logy,/ ety/mo/logy,/ doub/t,/ i/rra/tio/na/lity,/ and/ re/a/son./
= 38 sílabas

E/very/body/ want/s/ to/ know/ a/bout/ Ver/lai/ne and/ Rim/baud/ and/ i/ma/gi/ne/ what/ did/ not/ oc/cur./ The/ per/so/nal/ and/ so/ciet/y, in/tan/gi/ble u/nex/pec/ted/ flux./
= 40 sílabas (39 + 1)

Crazy/ nigh/t/ in/ front/ the/ be/a//h and/ so/me/o/ne ha/ving/ a/ be/au/ti/ful/ sex/ with/ two/ wi/fe/ frien,/ / did/ she/ sud/denl/y/ stop./
= 34 sílabas (33 + 1)

When/ o/ne had/ mo/re/ than/ ten/ known,/ of/ duty/ wo/men/ wan/ting/ to/ fuck/ them,/ and/ then,/ an/ i/diot/ call/s/ me/ be/cau/se of/ // or/ / frien/d/ wai/ting/ in/ the/ car./ Can/ an/yo/ne/ be/lie/ve/ such an/ an/ti/ cli/max/ coul/d/ hap/pen?/ I coul/d/ not/ be in/ the/ pla/ne of/ Ka////nung./
= 68 sílabas (67 + 1)

The/ prin/ci/ples/ of/ Bla/ke a/re a/ bit/ li/ke an/ti/ cli/ma/xes/ be/cau/se,/
= 18 sílabas

Re/a///y, he/ coul/d/ ha/ve/ go/ne/ furt/her,/ furt/her/ we/re/ we/ sup/po/se?/
= 21 sílabas

Just/ pre/sump/ti/ve and/ he/ did/ not/ let/ the/ go/od/ ti/mes/ roll./
= 16 sílabas (15 + 1)

I am/ wri/ting/ from/ / he/art,/ in/ten/ding/ the/ truth u/sing/ the/ po/e/tic/ ge/nius./
= 19 sílabas

It/ is/ a/not/her/ ti/me/ but/ Bla/ke and/ ./ Bla/ke a/re/ gre/at/ en/gra/vers/ and/ po/ets./
= 22 sílabas

I that/ for/got/ the/ be/gin/ning/ and/ am/ ne/ar/ from/ the/ lo/o/se of/ the/ po/e/tic/ spi/rit/ and/ a/not/her/ thing/ im/por/tant/ li/ke in/te/lli/gent,/ at/trac/ti/ve/ grew/ wo/men./
= 42 sílabas

I / a//l/ me/ans/ de/cla/re I had/ no in/ten/tion/ of/ wri/ting/ this/ text/ what/so/e/ver,/ the in/ten/tion/ was/ to/ say/ mo/re and/ go/ furt/her./
= 33 sílabas (32 + 1)

Whe/re a/re/ the/ chil/dren/ of/ mi/ne I can/not/ find?/
= 12 sílabas (11 + 1)

Now/ is/ e/a/sier,/ sad/der/ to/ sing,/ whi/le/ we a/re/ not/ kis/sing./
= 17 sílabas (16 + 1)

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