AnĂ¡lisis de "Get at least Blue" de bjpafa

Sto/ries/ a/re/ to/ be/ told,/ go/od/ or/ bad,/ happ/y and/ sad./
= 15 sílabas (14 + 1)

The/ bird/ had/ a/ lot/ of/ un/told/ o/ne, a/lle/gedl/y/ mos// bad./
= 17 sílabas (16 + 1)

A/cro/ba/ti/call/y/ wri/ters/ do/ their/ ma/gic/ with/ the/ bird/s/
= 16 sílabas

Fu/mes/ e/lu/ding/ the e/di/tor/ and/ con/vin/cing/ de/ pu/blic/
= 16 sílabas (15 + 1)

That/ this/ is/ the/ re/al/ mag/ni/fi/cent/ pro/duct/ of/ hu/man/ spi/rit/
= 18 sílabas (17 + 1)

Wit// is/ du/bi/tabl/y at/ le/ast,/ what/ spi/rit/ a/re in/ con/si/de/ra/tion/ he/re?/
= 21 sílabas

Spi/rit/ of/ pe/a/ce,/ se/re/nity,/ lu/xury,/ an/ger,/ of/ pe/o/ple/ past,/ the/re/
= 20 sílabas

A/re/ so/ many/ wa/ves/ in/ the/ se/a/ that/ we/ few/ and/ small/ can/not/ o/pi/ne?/
= 20 sílabas

O/ne/ mo/re/ ver/se a/bout/ how/ small/ we a/re/ com/pa/re/ to a/ glo/rious/ pi/ne!/
= 19 sílabas

Word/s/ will/ be/ thoug/ and/ then/ writ/ten/ and/ god/ wan/ting,/ re/ad./
= 16 sílabas (15 + 1)

On/ce/ re/ad/ the aut/hor/ prays/ for/ ap/pre/cia/tion/ or/ at/ le/ast/ an/ o/pi/nion./
= 20 sílabas

Cut/ting/ a/ long/ story/ short,/ ha/ving/ ne/ver/ pu/blis/hed,/ must/ fo/llow/ the/ tre/ad/
= 20 sílabas (19 + 1)

Mal/for/ma/tion/s/ mal/func/tio/ned/ at/ days/ cut/ting/ li/ke/ ra/zor/ bla/de and/ pe/ris/hed?/
= 23 sílabas (22 + 1)

I se/e/ thun/der/ mo/ving/ the/ le/a/ves,/ af/ter/ I o/pen/ / e/yes/ clo/se/ to/ the/ ligh/tning/
= 24 sílabas (23 + 1)

I fe/el/ the/ path en/chan/ting/ / li/fe,/ so/me ef/fort/ li/ke/ the/ saw/ and/ the/ pi/ne/
= 20 sílabas

Men/ walk/ and/ chil/dren/ run/ with/ their/ Kits/ ye/llow,/ blue,/ red,/ and/ pur/ple,/ cut/ting/ e/a//h ot/her./
= 24 sílabas (23 + 1)

The/ pi/ne/ fall/s/ to/ the/ groun/d/ and/ a//l/ the/ bird/s/ a/re ho/me/less,/ so/me e/a/ten/ and/ ot/her/ cat//
= 30 sílabas (29 + 1)

Co/lor/ is/ pre/sent/ in/ the/ /od,/ the/ ,/ the/ ri/ver,/ and/ the/ se/a; I just/ /t/ se/e any/ co/lor/ in/ me./
= 27 sílabas (26 + 1)

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