AnĂ¡lisis de "To thee" de bjpafa

To/ the/e I ma/de/ blos/soms/
= 6 sílabas

to/ the/e I pray/ for/ the e/ar/lies/t/ /ring/
= 11 sílabas (10 + 1)

Or/chids/ of/ many/ co/lors/ and/ scent/s/
= 9 sílabas

Co/ming/ from/ the/ pu/rest/ of/ the/ gar/den./
= 10 sílabas

You/ ca/me./ Lo/o/ked/ up/ as/ in/ fa/vor./
= 12 sílabas (11 + 1)

You/ se/e/med/ li/ke a/ coun/tess/ at/ an/ ex/hi/bi/tion/ /
= 15 sílabas

af/ter/ lun// you/ go and/ kept/ re/a/ding,/ /
= 12 sílabas (11 + 1)

be/cau/se/ the e/xi/genc/y at/ the/ Li/ver/po/ol/ /ho/ol./
= 16 sílabas (15 + 1)

I did/ not/ show/ the/ dis/sa/tis/fac/tion/ /
= 10 sílabas

No o/ne ex/pec/ted/ an/ ans/wer/
= 8 sílabas (7 + 1)

Cau/se/ no/ ques/tion/ ex/pli/citl/y/ ma/de,/ /
= 12 sílabas

the/ so/li/ci/tors/ woul/d/ ex/plain/ the/ le/gal/ as/pect/s/ in/vol/ved./
= 19 sílabas (18 + 1)

To/ the/e I en/gi/ne/e/red/ a/ lo/cal/ whe/re/ many/ coul/d/ li/ve in/ har/mony./
= 20 sílabas (19 + 1)

You/ we/re/ sim// to/o/ youn/g/ and/ pre/sump/tuous/ to he/ar/ what/ was/ said/ to/ the/e/
= 21 sílabas

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