Sometimes, I feel lost
Like I don't belong
anywhere anymore.
I feel dark in shiny bright days.
This lost soul feels gloomy
and wants to just cry.
The mind gets confused
trapped in to the overthinking
that eats away these thoughts
screaming to this broken heart
That it doesn't deserve to be loved.
This crazy mind of mine reminds
me every time
I get to feel comfortable
that I'm unlovable
and unworthy
and that it will just get hurt.
Bleeding dreams
trying to take away
what is left of humanity
in this depressed soul.
Dreams trapped on a continuous loop .
Playing over and over inside this pathetic human mind.
Remaining to this overthinker
That doesn't deserve to be loved
The cells of this changing brain
evolving into the distance
of this human space.
Thinking over and over
why can I just be cold
In this inhuman pathetic world
where the person that promised
to worship this love
is the one that hurts you the most....
Worship this love ...
You asked me ...
to give you an opportunity
to make this lost soul happy
and help heal this bleeding heart...
But once our soul were intertwined.
You pull away
when my heart was the happiest
making it bleed
worse than before...
Why did you acted like you wanted me ...
Just to show me how pathetic was your description of love...
- Publicado: 3 de febrero de 2025 a las 20:00
- Categoría: Sin clasificar
- Lecturas: 19
- Usuarios favoritos de este poema: Tommy Duque, ElidethAbreu, alicia perez hernandez
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