Under siege

Joss Man

How are you?

I'm doing fine 

Is what I say 

When I hide the truth

Been living with pain

For more than 30 years

Oh Palestine, oh Palestine

Where have you gone 

My Devine

Oh Palestine, oh Palestine

When can I return to what was mine?

How are you?

I'm doing fine

Is what I say to hide the truth

Far from home 

My family complains

But I say, neigh

Where I lay my head is home

Oh Palestine, oh Palestine 

Where have you gone 

My Devine

Oh Palestine, oh Palestine

When can I return to what was mine

I can not sleep

I can not rest

When the sky rains bombs

So tired

My bid succumbs 

I wake depressed

I wake oppressed

Oh Palestine, oh Palestine 

Where have you gone 

My Devine

Oh Palestine, oh Palestine

When can I return to what was mine

How are you?

I'm doing fine

Is what I say 

When I hide the truth

No food for me

No food for you

The IDF won't let me be

How can this be true?

Oh Palestine, oh Palestine 

Where have you gone 

My Devine

Oh Palestine, oh Palestine

When can I return to what was mine

Children' gone

And women gone

The me have gone

Doctors gone 

My home has gone

Oh Palestine, oh Palestine 

Where have you gone 

My Devine

Oh Pale

stine, oh Palestine

When can I return to what was mine



Ver métrica de este poema
  • Autor: Joss Man (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 2 de marzo de 2024 a las 13:53
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Este poema fue escrito en apoyo y en el pensamiento de la tragedia que está sucediendo en Palestina.
  • Categoría: SociopolĂ­tico
  • Lecturas: 8
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