Welcome To The Real World!

Charedy Martinez Caro

Welcome to the real world!

They will say,

After the principal hands you the Diploma,

Shakes my hand proud.

My mom will chant my name loud,

My heart with nostalgia

Will wear a frown.


The moment would be saturated

With familiar faces, smiles,

Camera flashes, caps in the air,

Happiness everywhere.

Tears falling from our eyes,

But all are happy, likewise.


Some don't know what they will do

Others have it all planned.

But still, inside

The excitement and anxiety

Are battling throughout the ride.


Welcome to the world,

It seemed like yesterday!

I play and run

Needed Mommy by my side.

But now it's time to spread

my wings and fly.

  • Autor: Charedy Martinez Caro (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 23 de febrero de 2019 a las 23:47
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Escribí este pieza en mi ultimo curso de secundaria, reflexionando en como seria el ultimo adiós.
  • Categoría: Reflexión
  • Lecturas: 7
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