**-Without Feel_**

Zoraya M. Rodríguez

Without Feel

You can support my desires,

it’s the love!,

like a dove!,

trying with wet wings to fly in the wind,

I don’t wanna cry,

I wake up when a light turns on,

without feel,

it’s don’t a sorrow,

when it’s late tomorrow,

to love like a dove,

you can feel,

but, I don’t know,

the test of my love,

loving until end,

without feel,

when the rest of my thoughts,

went it far,

like a running car,

I feel cold,

in my hands,

when the key of my heart,

it’s to start!,

when you can open my soul of glad emotion,

it’s the love!,

like a dove!,

when you serve my love,

in silver dishes of treasury,

when it’s early,

to love…


Ver métrica de este poema
  • Autor: EMYZAG (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 1 de octubre de 2017 a las 13:27
  • Categoría: Sin clasificar
  • Lecturas: 69
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