ABSENCE (January 4, 2008)



You left your essence attached to my body,

the smile hung to my eyes and your pearls to my lips.

You left your shadow on my bed,

on pillows, hairs; your broken voice in my memory.


Left flowing sad tears,

amid clear springs of sorrow

closure in my throat.


You left an empty hug within my arms,

filled thy time with absence and thy air turned mellow


You left happiness, delicacy rubbed on my skin,

your words harsh and nice.


You left in a moment, no boat no river, no land,

not servant nor queen.


Left kingdom of life,

burnt empty castle behind

freedom, young firefly.


You left the golden heart open for smiles,

You left past and future, nothing to embrace.


You said: I love you.


And still you left.

  • Autor: xaviervazquez (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 1 de abril de 2017 a las 18:34
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: Creado en inglés con dos haikus incluídos, basado en la muerte.
  • Categoría: Espiritual
  • Lecturas: 49
  • Usuarios favoritos de este poema: tamypaloma
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  • Decepcion

    No entendí, solo hablo español y eso que a medias.

    Te saluda Decepción

    • xaviervazquez

      Le enviaré una traducción, es el primer poema que subo y era una prueba

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