Little secret

P. Rarity

I can tell you a little secret,
Something that has been storming me for some time,
I can not stop thinking about it,
Only I can trust you

I loved the moments together,
I keep them in a movie in my mind,
I do not understand what happened at that time,
It's just a little mystery

When this starts I will leave you in shock,
I'll leave you speechless,
When this happens I ask you,
If you do not like anything, change

Being with you,
Something seems to break,
By your side my heart beats so fast,
What seems to come out of my chest

I want something with you,
More than a simple friendship,
It's just a little secret.

I know I'm not perfect @
That you deserve better,
But I can show you,
That I am something more than you can see

Trust me,
I will not disappoint you
It's just a little feeling.

Ours was something strong,
That even the forces of nature could not break it,
I do not know if you or I changed,
But nothing is the same as before

When this finished,
If it ever begins,
Let's keep our friendship,
It's the best thing for both of us

When you are in front of me,
I can not resist it,
I want to tell you what I feel,
But I do not dare

Something tells me that you are the one indicated
The heart tells me
It's just a little puzzle

When you look at me,
You bring something inside me,
Something beautiful and beautiful,
But at the same time is the worst thing that can happen to me

Now I will not hide it anymore,
I will tell you the truth,
That way I will be free of this torment

I will let my feelings flow,
For you to realize that it is,
I'm just asking you something,
Do not tell anyone

By hanging out with you,
Something seems to light up,
One thing I never felt,
It's just a little detail

I want to relive those times,
When we had the opportunity,
It was in my soul that it did not work,
But I have to try

I have already lost all fear,
I will not hide it any more,
I just wanted to tell you that I love you.

P. Rarity

Ver métrica de este poema
  • Autor: P. Rarity (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 30 de noviembre de 2016 a las 01:15
  • Comentario del autor sobre el poema: This song of Ariana Grande inspired this poem. It´s a classical not so forgotten, I wrote it long ago without knowing that one day it will really be able to understand it in another way. I hope you recognize it. Kisses
  • Categoría: Amor
  • Lecturas: 52
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