Motherwood unsettled




Is the wind a mild south-southeast

Or coming from the permafrost?

Today the persistent of an elder

Is like an advancing glacier,

No reason whatsoever, only a fever

To demonstrate how strong she is.


I cannot respond to such action,

Deliberately rescinding of a maid to help her with the children

As a form of coercion of a father inept and against collaboration

With his mother, this has never proved to be real both ways.


So why fight, acceptance is the key, after seventy eight years,

Over forty five of misunderstanding and positions fierce,

Certainly there will be fees and more ways to hurt my person and personality,

As they don't understand how tired and indecisive the body is,

Willingly shutting off if he may, farther from reality.

 Help me not to respond to such provocation.

Ver métrica de este poema
  • Autor: Mera Gente (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 30 de junio de 2014 a las 05:37
  • Categoría: Familia
  • Lecturas: 22
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