I’d like to ..


I can feel the way that my life is going on and I can’t stop it.

 I feel that I have an enormous doubt around me and I can’t take it out.

 I’d like to escape of this hell

 I`m sure I won’t support it anymore.

Now the time is going on and I couldn’t have a break before.

 My heart is sick of this crazy feeling

 I’d like to runaway

 Sometimes I think that my place is this, but many days it seems so wrong

 Why is that so difficult?

 I don’t care of the future, I say, but I’m lying, I think.

 I’m trying to know myself, I don´t mind you

I love my life but I’d like to break away… I’d like to ..

  • Autor: agirllikeme (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 2 de noviembre de 2009 a las 15:41
  • Categoría: Sin clasificar
  • Lecturas: 41
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