Wolf N' Dame

Arturo Villada Vidal

There's A Wolf

Walking Alone, 

Under Dark Clouds

And A Moon With The Dress

Of The Most Deep Red.


The Wet Wind Punish His Face,

The Street Keeps That Warm Yet,

And Burns Softly His Legs,

The Smell Of The Sin

Runs Inside His Veins,

Ride On His Blood,

And He Don't Feel Anything

Else, Just A Funny Curiosity.


The City Have A Brume

In All The Faces

That Lives There,

The Bright Eyes Of The Wolf

Break The Dance Of That Mist,

Searching That Sharp Smell

Of The Human Skin.


Walking In The Shadows,

Creating The Silence 

Under His Steps,

The Wolf Is In Front

Of That Woman,

In Her Skin Born

The Sharp Smell,

Her Eyes Are So Deep,

So Dark.

The Atomic Smile

Drawn In Her Face

It's Just Perfct,

In Absolute Sync

With That Shape

Of Her Look,

And That Pretty Nose.


She Is A Beautiful Woman,

Making The Air Around Herself

More Dense,

So Comfortable.


The Wolf

Take Charge Of His Instinct,

And Rides The Wish

Of Her Blood 

In Other Way.

The Thoughts,

The Strong Breathe,

His Eyes

Blooming A Hot Humanity,

All In The Wolf

Inside Him

Is A Man,

Living On The Wolf,

Swimming So Fast

In The Stream Of His Blood,

Loving That Perfect Woman.


But She Don't Knows

Anything About That Man

In The Prison Of His Animal Side.

He's A Wolf,

And The Man Is Just

All The Wolf Can't Understand

When His Eyes,

His Senses,

Makes Him So Happy

When She's Near.


The Women Don't See


Just A Wolf,

Grey And White,

In The Snow:

A Perfect Machine Killer

Born In The Forest.


The Wolf Is Looking

All His Happines

In The Flesh

Of A Godess.


Maybe That's The Reason

Why The Wolfs

Looks A Girl

For A Long Time,

With Complex Amalgam

Of Darkness And Bright

In Their Eyes

Before Murder

With Anger

The Only Thing

That They Cant't



After All

Humans Are Humans,

Wolfs Are Wolfs,

And Nothing Else Matters.


  • Autor: Raskolnikof (Seudónimo) (Offline Offline)
  • Publicado: 7 de mayo de 2011 a las 11:55
  • Categoría: Sin clasificar
  • Lecturas: 80
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  • joaquin Méndez

    La ciudad tiene una bruma

    En todas las caras

    Eso vive allí,

    Los ojos brillantes del lobo

    Rompa la danza de esa niebla,

    Búsqueda que olor agudo

    De la piel humana.

    Bastante bien.

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