Zoraya M. Rodríguez

**~Essay: The Perseverance~**

Essay: The Perseverance


First of all, we have that have in the life perseverance. If you wasn’t patient, you never have peace in your heart. The wait, the peace, the patient, the perseverance, the quiet, the love, and the good desires are the best that a person can have it. When decide a person to take a bad time or bad situation, not it’s the same, that you have a perseverance. If you follow your goal and your way, you can take in serious your life, but, if you don’t have a way that you feel follow, you don’t have a goal and in your mind have a dream. If your never feel a dream in you head, and with the perseverance that you can take the most important in your life you don’t have anything. Second, that your nothing can be the best, if you don‘t want to be nothing in the mouth of a person, so learn to be somebody with a tall perseverance. If you don’t walk in the light leaving footprints that we can take it count and to follow, you don‘t have anything. When the perseverance it’s all, everything for the persons, until have the successful and the fool failure or the worst if you don’t persist you are not successful in your life.

You can walk or run, but, you can do it. If you stay in the same place you don’t walk in your correct way, I can see you failed. Although you can’t believe it, the successful walk weak, slow, but, very good and precise. The successful it’s the better way, it’s you can take the correct heart walking and running and singing a song that you can carry on far away of the failure. You can learn and listen the good, and the bad things to let back, very back and run away until that you can arrive to the sky, it’s the limit. But, you can do it, remember, therefore, that sky it’s the same that the floor when the wrong way, it’s that you can’t ran you life. It’s the perseverance and the successful more tall in your short life. When you can do it, and the best than other. When in the way you can believe in the great heart, if your never failure, you can know in the perseverance in your life, the end life it’s can go sarcophagus with keep the calm, and you can have the peace necessary for to reach the sky in the eternity, if it’s the same, however, the silence of you heart you can do say, that you can do it the better in your life. 

You can’t sleep in the pillow of the dreams, if you have much what to do. You can’t finish in the dreams, when you can sleep with the perseverance and the successful always thinking in the sky is the highest in your mind and in your head. You can have a think when you can have to do magic in your life. You can fly away, when your mind imagine the best, always the best. And if you feel the failure, remember that the rain fall and slips in the floor for to carry the more dirty and the rain can do grow a roses in the garden. I want always that the perseverance occupy a secure place in the way, in your mind, and in your heart. You can keep the peace, and if your failure, only you remember, that the only successful it’s always your letter, your passport, and your identification. If your never want take the correct way, in your silence, in your present, I can see you, in the failure, only you wake up, you can reach the sky, you can reach the successful and you can let the coward. 

Only you take the perseverance, the only best situation, only your correct way, and the great madness in run for your life. When your silence walk into your heart, the weak and the slow way when your perseverance it’s that you want it, have it, and reach it, yes, the sky. But, remember, that your only way it’s your heart, if the beat in your heart, you can do it, you can put the best in your heart and if you have the best in your heart and you can have it all. 

The last chance or break, it’s again to walk, but, very slowly, with the calm, and you can have the sincerity in you only loneliness, when you have the silence in your madness you don’t run crazy in your life. When you can do the best in your life and for the yours. You don’t scattering the failure in your way, if you are capable of feel afraid, you don’t want stay in the same place. Only you are happy, and to be successful you can do that your life change to bad time. However, you can remember in the best way, if you want to be successful you don’t want the failure in your life. Only you can do one thing or to be other thing that you don’t want to be. You can‘t lost the time, to let to know that the word wait for you, when your things are the best for the world. You remember that the only way it’s the perseverance that you put in the things that you want to be…