Nery Roman Si



copyright © 2020 by Nery Roman

Dreadfully, desperately unfair
And unbearable death
it changes everything,
But, all the while
It changes absolutely nothing
Whatsoever at all.
How truly shitty, death can be,
Grief can make us feel
Dead inside.
I am not responsible for the death
Of my mother.
And for the dreadful way, she left us.
She was placed in the worst place, in the worst
Living condition.
No one deserves to die like that,
Surrounded by pain, dirt, and sickness.


Completely oblivious, no education, not even elementary or high school.
The obvious is not visible. If we talk about feelings, empathy, care, understanding, and love, we find emptiness. Let’s not get into the culture, is a blank piece of white paper hanging on its wall. That’s all they see. I never liked the country, and today, I like it even less. It is all about the Oscars, and the “me” syndrome. Little have those “rich,” and famous actors contribute to Elmhurst hospital. I am not afraid to say that I am not materialistic. That social distancing sounds familiar all year round. And that love and warmness are getting extinct from the world. God is sending a message, is written all over the world. People don’t see beyond what they are told or what they think it is. It is a bloody mess like some British might say, or a Cuban will say, “no es facil.” But it is, we make it harder than what life is all about. I hate to see so many lives taken. I hate to see hospitals working so hard. It is a never-ending holocaust of not caring. It is hard for some to feel something, empathy, and sympathy for the pain of others. I am personally sick of it.
I want to see the sunshine again.