Jorge Aimar Francese Hardaick



 Se adormecía el sol

sobre la brizna del horizonte

regando de sangre el cielo.


Te marchaste, sin un adiós,

con tus ojos cargados de sales

y no me atreví a detenerte,


dejé a mi alma con su pena,

y a mi corazón sufrir

ésta vil condena.


Hoy, oigo en el trinar de las aves

el eco melifluo

de nuestra lejanía y,


busco, bajo de cada piedra…

tu nombre;

para resucitarlo junto al mío.


 Jorge Aimar Francese Hardaick




The sun was numb
on the blade of the horizon
watering the sky with blood.

You left without a goodbye
with your eyes loaded with salts
And I didn\'t dare stop you

I left my soul with its sorrow,
and to my heart suffer
this vile condemnation.

Today I hear in the chirping of birds
the mellifluous echo
from our distance and,

I search, under each stone ...
your name;
to resurrect him next to mine.

Jorge Aimar Francese Hardaick