Elizabeth Chacon Stevens



To All My Family and Friends Around the World:


Make the most of every Christmas and outstanding morning when the sun shines and when the moon lights up at night and warms the hearts of all human beings with marvelous smiles, with dazzling hugs, and tender kisses, even though, life is on the down side and the weather is not so clear.

Richness and poorness come and go without any warning.Some people will spend their Christmas working hard; others will be enjoying a joyous and magnificent time at home with the family. Some will have plenty of gifts to choose from; others will dream to have one. Some will have too much; others will have nothing to savor.

In Christmas there is joy and there is sadness. Two worlds against each other, but united to pray the Lord, to rejoice in Him, to reach peace and serenity. The efforts from the loving is a very unique treasure measure in gold, made from giving, with their undivided love and attention which has no weight, for there is no burden but a blessing and relishes till the precious day is done and gone.

Make the most of every Christmas and feel peace, love and happiness. Success will reach at your doors and your hearts and souls will be full of blessings.


¡¡¡Merry Christmas


                       Happy New Year 2016!!!


Rosa Elizabeth Chacón León/Stevens

Contumazá, Perú  /  Miami, \"Tierra Primaveral,\"  USA.