David Arthur

Otra plena luna / One more moonlit night















Otra plena luna

(Un intento a un soneto Shakespeareano)


En sueño sintió su presencia

El alba, en su cuarto filtrando,

Petricor era su esencia,

Discretamente invadiendo.

Rayo de sol le acarició,

Sonrisa de paz en su aspecto,

Néctar a sorbos ella bebíó,

Do él le dió su dulce beso.

Aroma de su encanto todavía.

El espejo de su amor testigo

De sus susurros de alegría.

Sus cuerpos un mutuo abrigo

Otra plena luna aún anhela,

Su líbido de nuevo insufla.

David Arthur ©®

La foto propia


One more moonlit night

(An attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet)


Adrift in a drowse she sensed his presence,

Dawn through the chiffon curtains filtering,

Smell of petrichor part of its essence,

A silent insurgent slyly creeping,

A sunray her countenance did caress,

A smile of contentment parted her lips,

Where remaining still his kiss of sweetness,

Nectar she had imbued with tender sips.

The odour lingers of his seduction,

She arises to greet the breaking day,

The mirror witnessed her game submission,

The soughs of subtle intimate play,

With nostalgia for one more moonlit night,

With passion their libido to ignite


David Arthur ©®

The photo taken by the author