dark princess

It´s not an indirect (or maybe it is)

 Why I can't understand love?

Why is it too difficult for me?

I'm just looking for an answer

I'm trapped in a strange world

here all the people want to fall in love

but I don't know how to do it,

I don't know how to get out of here.

When I met you, I thought, just for a second,

that for the first time in my life, I would realize what love means,

but you broke all my illusions and dreams.

Now I don't care about it,

I just can't believe that true love exists,

it's just a child's play for me.

I'm not crazy , I'm just realistic.

I'm not weird, I'm just normal in a different way.

I don't believe in love, and nothing is gonna change that,

when I was stupid (recently)

I fell in love many times,

but now i'm not like that,

I learn my lesson, and you should do it too.